Monday, June 29, 2009

It's That Time Again

How can one tell I'm turning a new page and starting a new chapter in my life?
By beginning to write in a new online journal.

I'm trying so desperately hard to get back at writing. As one can tell, I need to ward off cliches like "turning a new page" and "starting a new chapter". It's pretty standard for me to rely on lame phrases and banal sayings when I first start. (A thesaurus is also needed)

I need to refurbish myself. I have habits I'd like to quit, people I'd like to know better, places I need to explore, conversations that need to be had...
The list goes on and on.

I'm at a loss for words today. When I answered the phone at work this morning, this is how the conversation went:

"Thank you for using (long pause) thank you for choosing US Bank (long pause) (sigh) this is Faith (long pause)."

I don't think the person on the other line knew what to do with themselves.

I just realized that this really isn't a fabulous beginning to a new blog, but more so a list of ramblings. I was never really good at fantastic first impressions.

Let the rambling continue:

Lately, I've been questioning everything. Weird situations.
That was incredibly vague.
Maybe later I'll clarify.


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